Amazon Affiliate Links

Hello friends.

Hello too, enemies. Please enjoy your stay, and bless your hearts.

In an effort to cover the costs of maintaining my blog, I’ve decided to sign up for the Amazon Affiliate program. It isn’t likely to affect your experience here in the least, but anytime you click on an affiliate link and buy something on Amazon (anything at all – it doesn’t have to be the item I’ve linked to), I get a teeny tiny percentage of the sale. Your purchase price won’t change a cent.

I don’t want huge ads interfering with the flow of my thoughts (or your reading), so you’ll mostly be seeing text links. Even then, I don’t plan on overwhelming my posts with them, because I think it’s gimmicky and rude. I may use an occasional image link if it’s a picture similar to one I’d have used in the post anyway, or an object I am describing because I love it and recommend it to my friends.

I promise to be a respectful sellout and not abuse my linking powers. Please consider helping me out and buying through my site once in a while, if Amazon is a place you regularly shop. Every little bit helps.

Amazon requires me to clearly state the following on my site, so here it is in all its official legal boilerplate glory:

“Jen is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

3 thoughts on “Amazon Affiliate Links

  1. Pingback: My Third Favorite Cake - Antijenic Drift

  2. Pingback: Blizzard Preparation Tips From an Amateur Expert - Antijenic Drift

  3. Pingback: Aeropress Guide for Normal People - Antijenic Drift

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