Great day

I just had a great day off. Well, except for the horrible migraine (with bonus nausea) that sent me back to bed for an hour this afternoon. The Advil worked pretty quickly and the cats were merciful and left me alone for a while, so I was able to rest in the dark until the pounding stopped.

I got the kitchen cleaned up, down to washing the floor and the sink. I got some dishes and laundry done, and tidied the bathrooms and bedroom. I can see the floor and the counters now, which is a huge improvement. Granted, when it came to papers and receipts, I mostly just made nice piles instead of going through everything and filing it away, but at least the piles make me look slightly more organized. I got a few things crossed off my very long to-do list and then I went to the mall.

I was only going to the mall for a quick errand, not even for myself, but once I was there I couldn’t help myself. It was as close to deserted as the Columbia Mall ever gets, so I wandered around and popped into a bunch of stores. I think I walked the length of the mall three times. I scored a great pair of pants from the sale rack at The Limited, which means I can now toss my old pair I’ve been wearing long past its prime. I was on the hunt for some comfy/cute brown shoes to wear for work, but I didn’t have as much luck there. It was still fun to try on shoes, though – I’m such a girl. I checked out nail polish colors at Sephora, went into Bath & Body Works to sniff their new scents (meh), and found a watch I liked at Fossil and will be asking Santa for. I went to Occitane and used the demo of their shea butter hand cream, which is the best hand cream in the whole world, and considered buying the foot cream because I could probably use it. But I’ll wait for the after-Christmas sales, because I cannot justify spending $20+ on a small tube of shea butter cream for my feet. I stopped in at Starbucks for a mocha and lamented for a moment that they no longer make the Espresso Truffle I loved so much last year, but I stopped lamenting when I got a sip of my mocha, because it was delicious. There was Christmas music playing everywhere and they were setting up the big tree in the center of the mall, and people seemed to be in a good mood all over the place. It was great!

Then I went to the library to return my half dozen books and pick up a half dozen more. I am so weird in the library. I get all impulsive and start grabbing every book I think might be interesting. Oh, that looks good. Oooh, I like that author, is that new? And one of these… and this one… and as usual I end up leaving with more books than I am likely to be able to read in the time allotted, but I can renew them all online if I need to. Which I will.

Should I start doing book reviews on my blog? There’s no way I’d find time to do them all, but maybe for the ones I really enjoy…

2 thoughts on “Great day

  1. Ginette

    How I miss those shopping days with you, weren’t they the best!

    As for sharing your thoughts on the books, I sure wouldn’t mind. then I could read one and share my thoughts on it with you.


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